



Fun With Stephanotis From SMR

(page 7)


We thought it would be fun to mix another flower besides roses into a bouquet with the stephanotis.

Here is an idea combining alstroemeria along with the stephanotis.

Our treatment here is rather unusual for a wedding bouquet......

In this bouquet we were feeling quite Taoist.

According to Taoistic thought the universe operates by the tao. It can be viewed as two opposing principles, the yin and the yang......Each containing the seeds of the other......These interact with each other and together form a whole....... Reality consists of dyanamic relationships between opposites.....It is a very dynamic view of things......and perhaps quite appropriate in the context of marriage....

At any rate, without getting overly philosophical, we thought it would be neat to represent yin and yang in our bridal bouquet........Can you see the symbol?



Let's play with this polarity concept for a second...........




Sorry, I just couldn't help myself................

But wait..........There's more!!!!!!



SMR Stephanotis page one

SMR Stephanotis page two

SMR Stephanotis page three

SMR Stephanotis page four

SMR Stephanotis page five

SMR Stephanotis page six

SMR Stephanotis page seven

SMR Stephanotis page eight

SMR Stephanotis page nine

SMR Stephanotis page ten

SMR Stephanotis page eleven

SMR Stephanotis page twelve

SMR Stephanotis page fourteen

SMR Stephanotis page fifteen

SMR Stephanotis page sixteen

SMR Stephanotis page seventeen

SMR Stephanotis page eighteen

SMR Stephanotis page nineteen

SMR Stephanotis page twenty

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-one

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-two

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-three

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-four

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-five

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-Six

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-seven

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-eight

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-nine

SMR Stephanotis page thirty

SMR Stephanotis page thirty-one
