



Our students Recently Played With Some Wonderful Stephanotis From SMR Stephanotis!



Aren't these absolutely beautiful?

Students in several of our recent classes played with these incredible stephanotis! (No. Before you ask, the flower does not grow with a "pearl" in the center. We added those as part of the designing process! Yup. Nowadays we add pearls, faux jewels, etc. to some of our flowers... It's soooo chichi, frou-frou ! )

Stephanotis is a premier flower, highly prized for use in wedding designing and for flowers to wear....... In our class our students used the stephanotis in hand tied bouquets and in flowers for the hair.

Stephanotis is derived from the greek words stephanos meaning crown and otos, ear. If you look carefully at it, it looks kind of like a crown with little ears coming off of it. It is also called Madagascar Jasmine....

It is a prestige flower. Not only is it lovely to behold, but stephanotis has a sweet and wonderful fragrance!

Pure white color is a sign that your stephanotis is fresh and perfect for use. And as you can see in the photograph above, these stepanotis were absolutely perfect. ( If your monitor isn't showing pure white it's time to re-calibrate it!! )

We are delighted that our students stylized floral art using these beautiful flowers......




SMR Stephanotis page one

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SMR Stephanotis page eleven

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SMR Stephanotis page sixteen

SMR Stephanotis page seventeen

SMR Stephanotis page eighteen

SMR Stephanotis page nineteen

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SMR Stephanotis page twenty-one

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-two

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-three

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-four

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-five

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-Six

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-seven

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-eight

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-nine

SMR Stephanotis page thirty

SMR Stephanotis page thirty-one
