Welcome to Gallery Three...
...of the Flowers from New England floral gallery show recently held by the "Beacon Season Market" Designers in Tokyo!
Here are the highlights that you will see in this Gallery:
Graceful Dining Arrangement
Elegant Candle Stands
Cascade Arrangement
Graceful Dining Arrangement
Table decoration "Parallel."
Consider if you will, the important function of dining........
Sure, we all have to eat in order to live......but the kitchen, dining room table or restaurant has taken on an importance far exceeding nutritional requirements......
We consider the process of eating to also fulfill important social functions......We use it to renew our ties with family and friends....We conduct business as we eat or drink......In other words, this social context of eating is extremely important in most cultures......And along with that social context, comes the aesthetic function of floral art to make the entire experience all that much more pleasant.........
In this composition, a parallel structure of design, with flowers next to each other in a row......graces the table.........
The containers are decorated by leaves along the edges
The use of the allium, sunflowers and very ethereal filler permit a series of designs to literally sweep across the center of the table, yet still permit cross conversation...... Colorful peppers surround the settings........
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 Here is a close up of the table setting.....
You can see a close up of the containers of the parallel system designs, decorated by leaves along the edges....
Notice also the use of the single gloriosa lily placed upon a coaster of leaves.........What a lovely way to first encounter a table...........
Gloriosa lily is always a good bet when you want a single flower or two to make a very strong statement...........
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An arrangement will affect how an environment will appear........
The dining area, the table and the table settings appear very different with the parallel system flowers (as opposed to no flowers at all,
or with differing floral offerings.....)
Conversely, the environment can also affect how the design(s) will appear.....
This is well evidenced by comparing this view of the exhibit at night, with the earlier shot of the table decorations during the day........
Now it is dark......Track lighting provides a very dramatic, high style, high tech kind of feeling to what earlier in natural lighting,
gave an almost casual, country-like feeling........
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Elegant Candle Stands
It requires a lot of skill to stylize a design on a candle stand.....especially one with an abundance of flowers......
In this case, we have not one, but three candle stand arrangements......
Although each unit could stand alone, making its own impact, notice the cumulative effect of all three placed side-by-side as one massive unit.........
We give this a fancy name........We call the placement of more than one design
next to each other to create an organic whole "Modular Floral Art."
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Cascade Arrangement
Cascade Arrangement in a cone shaped basket.......
The wonderful thing about integrating floral art with a home setting is that
in the home you have so many great nooks, crannies and variations when it comes to furnishings and finishes.......
The intelligent floral artist can find all kinds of great opportunities in these raw elements of environment to work his/her own special kind of magic......And this is a good case in point..........
For notice how in this composition, the artist integrates floral art with furnishings, by allowing the design to cascade and dramatically sweep down the front slightly to one side.......almost as if the design has organic motion, moving itself out of a pail or bucket!!
We could call this a cascade arrangement or an interpretation of a waterfall floral design........
It is a very effective treatment here.....for it lends a dynamism and creates a feeling of motion and movement.........It also draws our eye from the upper left to the lower right towards a small bookcase, and some floral designs on a small short table......
What are these designs to the right of the cascading floral art?
To find the answer to this and more, accompany me to Exhibition Hall Four!
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Other Galleries in the Show