Detailed descriptions of available Distance Education "floral design digital cookbooks" are given in this Our Online Catalog page.
Some of you may like to have a Catalog of Distance Education Floral Design Materials available to read when you are offline. If you wish to do so simply:
046 What Do I Do With A Dozen Roses-II?
This is a typical question asked by someone who receives flowers. It is often asked by someone who is giving flowers but wants to design them first rather then just presenting them. It is a typical design assignment in many flower shops. This design continues to answer the question posed in the first “What Do I Do With a Dozen Roses” e-book. Two designs are presented, with variations on each one........The designing style here is a bit more contemporary . Water based designing in glass. A must have....(38 pages)
047 Fun Vase Arrangements
It is very easy to fall into a rut when doing floral art day in and day out. We presents two very easy and fun vase arrangements to help jump start your creative juices. The designs use moderate amounts of materials, yet give a great show!. Foam based designing. Great for hobbyist as well as professional. Buy this! (33 pages)
048 Four Seasons Designs--Fall & Spring
The concept of seasonality in floral art is an important one. Besides the obvious holidays, the ability to “think seasonally” is quite useful. It can become a way of approaching floral design and controlling floral art media, that you may never have consciously considered until now. Two foam based designs presented along with neat container treatments. (35 pages)
049 Incredible Vertical Arrangements
Developed due to popular demand. Two 21st Century vertical arrangements featured in “Funky Line Arrangements,” and “Fun Vase Arrangements,” are featured together in this great e-book. The focus here is on new looks for vertical line arrangement designs. You will love this one! (38 pages)
050 Reversed Proportion Design
You’re going to love this one! In most everyday floral arrangements the volume taken up by the container is much smaller than the mass made up of the flowers. In Reverse Proportion Design it is just the opposite! Learn an exciting futuristic look that is easy to achieve and fun to make! Two foam based designs, and detailed explanations make this new and exciting style easy to master! (40 pages)
051 Awareness Ribbon: Breast Cancer
Awareness ribbons have become a popular way of showing support for a variety of causes. They can be spectacular floral art. Awareness ribbons of flowers can be used for centerpieces, fund raisers, or as tributes. In this presentation we show you how to make a floral awareness ribbon for breast cancer. (33 pages)
052 Awareness Ribbon: Patriotic Theme
Awareness ribbons have become a popular way of showing support for a variety of causes. They can be spectacular floral art. Awareness ribbons of flowers can be used for centerpieces, fund raisers, or as tributes. What better way is there to show the flag then in this incredible floral design! We show you how to make a floral awareness ribbon with a patriotic theme. This does require that the viewer be able to make small bows. (29 pages)
053 Awareness Ribbon: Yellow Remembrance Ribbon
The old rock song proclaimed, “Tie a yellow ribbon ‘round the ole oak tree...” Yellow ribbons have become symbolic of waiting for the return of a loved one, and showing support....It symbolizes support for our troops....But the yellow ribbon is but one example of a large number of awareness ribbons....Awareness ribbons can be spectacular floral art. They can be used for centerpieces, fund raisers, or as tributes. In this e-book we teach you how to make an incredible yellow ribbon of flowers. (36 pages)
054 Contemporary Floral Fun With Tropical Flowers
Tropical flowers bring very unique structural/architectural qualities to the design table...They can easily be used to create floral art with a futuristic look. In this "how-to-do-it" you will learn just how fun and easy it is to incorporate these wonderful flowers into your designing. Exotic floral materials are used to make a contemporary style, water based floral design, and a rather wild foam based unit.... Impress your friends. Wow your clients! Earn bragging rights! (30 pages)
055 Easy Classical Fall Centerpiece Designs
People do tend to entertain a lot during the fall season. Making sure the home is lovely is especially important. We feature five centerpieces with fall colors. The emphasis is on quick and easy designs that are beautiful and impressive, yet not labor intensive. Designs presented here can be easily adapted to just about any time of the year. (38 pages)
056 Exclusive Lily Bouquet
This digital floral cookbook teaches you how to stylize an incredible lily bouquet that says “grace, dignity and exclusivity....” Understated elegance is the the word when creating floral masterpieces like this... The mechanic is a foam holder. Tricks of the trade when creating bridal bouquets with lilies. This is one you will definitely want in your collection! (27 pages)
057 Exotic Floral Designing In Water
In this presentation we cover two areas of interest: the use of exotic flowers in floral art and water based floral designing in clear glass.... You will learn two designs in this e-book with different looks. One is more classical, the other a bit more funky... Wow! Terrific designing!!! (33 pages)
058 Floral Designing Is Fun!!
There are many folks who have never designed with flowers and find the entire process intimidating and scary!! Believe it or not, creating floral art can be quite easy and fun....especially when taught by the experts of the Rittners Floral School team. Six floral designs ranging from elementary to more complex are broken down step by step for your comfort and enjoyment. Gain confidence playing with flowers. If you have never touched a flower in your life, or think that you just don’t have what it takes.....Think again....and buy this one! Great for folks with a little background as well as for beginners. (32 pages)
059 Funky Line Arrangements
You’re going to love this one! “Line arrangements” refer to a genre of vase arrangement based on geometrical form. Verticals, horizontals, upside down T’s and triangles are amongst the many shapes typically found in line arrangement or high style design. This digital floral cookbook shows how you can take two line arrangement shapes and create contemporary floral art totally unlike classical linear arrangements. (34 pages)
060 Glug......Glug......
Two very different designs stylized in a water base. We call this presentation “glug...glug...” because most of the floral designing is being done under water!! If you are seeking an interesting and different look for party and function designing that is easy to do, yet nonconventional, this "how-to-do-it" is worth serious study.... These designs look complex but with the expert instruction of the Rittners Floral School team are really quite easy to achieve! (35 pages)