Detailed descriptions of available Distance Education "floral design digital cookbooks" are given in this Our Online Catalog page.
Some of you may like to have a Catalog of Distance Education Floral Design Materials available to read when you are offline. If you wish to do so simply:
016 Everyday Design--Funky
Everyday designs are average sized arrangements that are pleasant to enjoy as we go about our daily lives. These kinds of designs are commonly made by professional floral designers in large numbers. They are showy and fun to make. In this presentation we take some of the ingredients from “Everyday Design-I,” add a few more, change our style, and show you how to create an everyday design that is a little less traditional. There are seven possible ending points for this design! (31 pages)
017 Fall Table Centerpiece
Because floral art can enhance ones home at those critical times of the year when family and relatives come to visit, many folks love to arrange flowers for holiday use. This e-book teaches how to make a lovely fall table centerpiece. This is a simple but showy arrangement stylized in foam that can be used as a seasonal piece or can be used for parties around Halloween or Thanksgiving. (15 pages)
018 Fire And Ice
Two very different designs stylized in a water base. Ice is an arrangement that feels very cool. Fire, as its name implies feels flaming hot...Two very different designs, yet both are quick and easy to stylize, and even better still, very impressive to behold.....Impress your family, friends or clients with these arrangements. YESSSSS! (17 pages)
019 Floral Easter Egg Design
Easter stands for renewal of nature after a long, cold and dreary winter. What better symbol of renewed life than the egg? In this lesson we present a large flower Easter Egg along with several easy to make variations! We call this kind of design a flower novelty. Novelties are fun! These egg novelties are easy to make, yet quite neat. Impress your family and friends with this conversation piece. (21 pages)
020 Framing Technique
Framing is a very cool floral design technique in which we enclose or “frame” a section of an arrangement with floral product. It is contemporary, and easy to do. In this "how-to-do-it" we present two designs, one created in foam, the other in a water base, that teach how to use framing technique. Contents include ginger, heliconia, tulips, mini sunflower, carnations and lotus pods. For the designer who enjoys the new and different, this one is a must. (28 pages)
021 Fun With Tulips And Curly Willow--Easy
This is one of our favorites. How can you go wrong with tulips? Then when you combine tulips with curly willow you have even more interesting designing possibilities..... There are Five (That’s right, Five!) design possibilities presented here. All of the designs in this "how-to-do-it" are water based. But the designs presented here are definitely not Grandfather’s water based floral designs! Develop your technique. Impress your family, friends or clients with these arrangements. (26 pages)
022 Fun With Tulips And Curly Willow--More Complex
We call this presentation “more complex” for our other “Fun With Tulips and Curly Willow” e-book features very simple arrangements. The two designs featured here, while not difficult, do have a slightly higher level of complexity. They are gorgeous and visually intricate. Enjoy! (27 pages) |
023 Easiest Way To Design In Water
Water based design is pretty and natural. But one of the biggest problems in designing in water is the issue of control, making your stems stay in place! This presentation will teach you a trick of the trade that will make your water based designs so easy that you won’t believe it! Five designs & some variations are presented. This e-book gives incredible value. (34 pages) |
024 How To Honor Your Favorite Football Team With Floral Design
Floral art reflects our popular culture. If we enjoy the game of football, why not consider floral art with football motifs! Two designs presented. Suggestions provided as to how to incorporate football symbolism and motifs into your floral art. Learn to make neat things for the football enthusiast in your life! (22 pages) |
025 Incredible Basket Design
This basket arrangement is so pretty we even created a watercolor variation of the the final step in photoshop to hang on the wall of our home. The contents include, larkspur, liatris, spray roses, tulips, and eucalyptus. The look is understated but quite elegant. The arrangement is presented as a spring or Easter design, but can easily be adapted to other holidays. An alternative material selection chart is included to help you develop variations for other times of the year.... Sheer poetry in motion! (27 pages) |
026 Kinky Centerpiece
At Rittners Floral School we take pride in teaching both classical as well as cutting edge technique. We call this “kinky” because it is, well.....a bit strange! The technique and the visual appearance of this centerpiece are unconventional. For the hobbyist or designer seeking new and different looks this may be just the thing! Easy to learn with the help of the Rittners Floral School Team! (23 pages)
027 Kinky Christmas Centerpiece
At Rittners Floral School we take pride in teaching both classical as well as cutting edge technique. We call this “kinky” because it is, well.....a bit strange! We take the unconventional look taught in the “kinky Centerpiece" materials and apply it to holiday floral art. Six Variations or stopping points are presented. Loosen up! Think out of the box! Enjoy! (22 pages)
028 Matching Centerpieces
Normally when we think of table centerpieces we think of one design, and that’s about it. Here we consider the idea of using matching centerpieces. These are two designs that differ perhaps in the shape of the base and the height, but are unified by using similar colors and/or materials. Roses, mini sunflowers, fujis and salal are included in these two exquisite arrangements. (13 pages)
029 New Look Equisetum Arrangement
Floral designers regardless of whether they are professionals or hobbyists are always seeking new and different looks and techniques. We present a look that is definitely contemporary and 21st Century. It looks complex, but with the excellent instruction from the Rittner Floral School Team, is actually quite easy to achieve. Contents include equisetum, mini callas and hypericum. If you are serious about expanding your design looks, you should buy this! (22 pages)
030 Party Design-Larkspur & Curly Willow
Party designs can be used for a wide variety of purposes and occasions including weddings, showers, or buffet table use. They tend to be large and expensive. We feature one such design in water media made with larkspur and curly willow. Big. Impressive. Easy to make with our expert instruction. (23 pages)
It is no wonder that many people say...."If you really want to learn floral designing.... go to Rittners Floral School in Boston...."
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