
A Little Bit of Rittner Legend and Lore....


Every school has its own unique history and interesting stories. Ours is no exception. And here is the story of our school bell!

A school bell is one of the most common technologies associated with educational institutions. It lands right up there along with blackboards, chalk and notebooks as symbolic of a school.

Our school bell was a gift from a very special friend many many years ago.

It is brass, and has ornate markings, and was, to our understanding, originally from India!

We used it then as we do now, to signal the changing of classes particularly in our Day Course. It is quite loud and dramatic.

Mrs. Rittner, one of the school's founders especially liked to ring it with gusto, to announce the beginning of afternoon classes.

One day, many decades ago, some of the students in one of our Day Classes thought it would be fun to play with Mrs. R's bell.

Unbeknownst to her, they took the bell prior to afternoon class and used florist clay to secure the clapper within to the side of the bell.

When Mrs. R picked up her bell to ring it, absolutely no sound was heard!

To this day we are sorry we didn't get a picture of the surprised expression on her face.

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