

Rittners School Of Floral Design
In Boston Presents....

Topiary Tree #5

In this dried topiary there are several points of interest

A touch more of the dried filler is showing in this one. Notice that in all of these topiaries you don't see any of the underlying mechanics (eg. the styrofoam or foam base)

In this topiary a little ringlet is placed at the base, Rather than using ribbons to decorate the stem, a few pieces of dried materials are placed along the supporting stems. These can be placed several ways. They can be glued with cold glue or using a glue gun quite easily (Please treat the glue gun with respect...It and its contents get quite hot). Alternatively the dried pieces making a nice curve up the stem can be inserted and weaved in to the stems themselves.

Check Out The Following Topiaries....

Down below are many other examples of topiaries....

  • Topiary #1
  • Topiary #2
  • Topiary #3
  • Topiary #4
  • Topiary #6
  • Topiary #7
  • Topiary #8
  • Topiary #9
  • Topiary #10
  • Topiary #11
  • Topiary #12
  • Topiary #13

    We hope that you really enjoyed these brief floral design lessons. At Rittners School of Floral Design in Boston we provide floral design instruction that includes a wide range of different styles and techniques. Please come and take one of our hands-on workshop programs!!

  • Floral Education Center returns you to our Floral Education Center page with many other "How Tos."

    Your Webmaster is Dr. Steve Rittner, who may be reached at All photographs and text on this page are Copyright - Rittners School, and may not be reproduced, or used for any commercial purposes.


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