

Rittners School Of Floral Design
In Boston Advice to Brides

All of us at Rittners School Of Floral Design in Boston would like to extend to you a warm congratulations on this most happy occasion.

For many prospective brides the whole process of planning a wedding and coordinating its many aspects can be quite challenging.

In this section of our web site we'd like to offer a few suggestions that may make your life a little easier as far as ordering your wedding flowers is concerned.

We hope that the tips and suggestions that are offered here are helpful to you and make the planning process a little easier and far more pleasant.

Part 1: Choosing A Florist

Choosing a florist can be very easy if you already are doing business with someone who you know and like. If on the other hand you do not have a florist with whom you are used to dealing on a regular basis, the process can be quite intimidating. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. How do you find anything? You ask people who you know and trust, about their experiences. You will learn quite quickly if your girlfriends, etc. were happy with their florists (or if they were not).

  2. Check with your fiance! He or his family may have a well established relationship with a florist, and be very satisfied with that florist's work.

  3. When you visit a florist and talk to him/her, do you feel comfortable? It's a chemistry sort of thing.....You know what I mean. It can make a big difference in your ability to communicate.

  4. Don't walk in to a florist and ask about wedding flowers, when s/he is very busy. (eg. during a flower holiday when volume is high.) Most florists will let you know if it's a bit too busy for them to go over your wedding plans, but should offer to set up a time when they can give you their undivided attention.

  5. Some florists do cater to more expensive functions. Don't get flustered if that is not the price range in which you feel comfortable. If you have a more modest budget and the florist isn't willing to help you, s/he may be a great floral artiste, but not the right one for you!

  6. A good florist can create a lovely wedding and work within most budgets. Remember, whatever style you pick can be made in a wide range of prices.

  7. Some florists have printed wedding books that are provided by telegraph organizations or are sold in the trade to show you samples of styles and ideas.

    A florist may have an album of HIS/HER own work. This gives you a good idea of actual weddings that s/he has done.

    If a designer doesn't have such an album, don't be upset. Not all florists are capable with a camera, or care to buy photos of their designs.

    In other words, if s/he doesn't have pictures of past weddings on hand, don't read anything too profound into it.

  8. A good florist generally will show alot of interest in your tastes & plans. From such a discussion, the floral designer can get a pretty good idea as to what you like, and even how much money you want to spend.

  9. Remember it is YOUR wedding. The floral designer's role is to take the information you provide, and try to translate that into floral art that will meet your vision. The right florist for you is one that finds your needs and desires and interprets them in a nice way.

  10. Does the floral designer really hear what you are saying? Does s/he seem truly concerned with your problems? (not his/her ego). The right florist is the one who will be interested in working with you, not in just telling you what to do.

  11. Keep in mind that florists do vary in terms of the number of weddings they will book at a given time. Stylizing wedding floral art is very labor intensive and so if you really want a particular florist to do your wedding be sure to book well in advance.

  12. Wedding Consultation Tips-Part 2 gives practical tips for the wedding consultation.
  13. The Rittners Floral School Gallery returns you to our gallery page
  14. The Rittner Floral School Home Page --returns to our home page.

Your Webmaster is Dr. Steve Rittner, who may be reached at All text on this page is Copyright - Rittners School, and may not be reproduced, or used for any commercial purposes.

