Welcome to the Rittners School of Floral Design
Page for our Graduates!!
This page has access points to online materials for recent graduates.
It also has information for graduates who need a diploma replaced......
Are You A Rittner graduate who has been out for a few years?
When you graduate from Rittners, you become part of our extended family of graduates that spans over seventy years. You are not just a customer, you are one of our friends.
At Rittners we have always believed very strongly in supporting our grads with many free back-up services ranging from placement advice and assistance, to information concerning design issues, and more. These free services provide addtional value to our programs.
Many people attend our school not only because of our great teaching, but because we are committed to strong back up services.......
Our mission at Rittners has always been to provide floral design programs so great that one will recommend them to family and friends......
Many programs teaching floral design start with a basic course, and then have their students come back for intermediate designing, then advanced designing and then all kinds of specialized programs. That benefits the school, to have students constantly coming back for more.....But after a while it can be rather discouraging..... It leaves many students wondering when they really have had enough!........
At Rittners Floral School, we are student centered. To give our students the most value, we start simply but automatically build intermediate and advanced skills into our 12 Week Evening and Concentrated Spring and Summer Day Courses. That makes our programs practical and a terrific value.......
But at Rittners though we provide great value in our courses, we are constantly wondering, thinking and planning......
How can we provide our graduates who attend our school from all over the country and from other countries with even more value?
One way is by providing online continuing education....... Photographs, instructional information, all kinds of useful advice and more for our graduates!!
In this section, graduates of our 12 Week Evening Course and Spring and Summer Concentrated Day Courses will find online continuing education with over FIFTY that's right, over FIFTY online lessons--- And guess what? It is absolutely free to graduates of those progams for a two year period after graduation..
At Rittners Floral School, we remain commited to being on the cutting edge of floral design education.
More importantly we remain commmitted to giving you the kind of extra value that will have you recommending our school to your family and friends........
Entry Spot For Graduate Portals
It is no wonder that many people say...."If you really want to learn floral designing.... go to Rittners Floral School in Boston...."
Are You A Rittner Graduate Who Has Graduated A Few Years (Or More) Ago? Please Stay In Touch With Us!
We would like to hear from you. We'd like to hear what is going on in your life. And we'd like to be able to help you connect with old friends. But we can't do it without your help. With over seventy years of wonderful people attending Rittners we know there are many talented grads out there. We occasionally hear from some of you as you check to see if we are online. But if more and more of you connect with us, we can and will devise additional ways for you to stay in touch, and to reconnect both with your school and fellow classmates. You may email us at steve@floralschool.com
Here are some online tools available right now that you can use to stay up to date with things going on at your school and connect with us and your fellow clasmates:
Rittners Floral School Facebook Page. Yes, we do have a facebook page. Some of you asked us to create one, so here it is! By all means feel free to follow us on facebook, be our friend, etc! And if you are creating some interesting things, let us know! It is increasingly easy to post your photos and information!
Rittners Floral School You Tube Demonstations.
We really like the video presence of You Tube. You will find a variety of floral demonstrations from Rittners Floral School here for your enjoyment!
Lost or Damaged Diploma?
Lose your diploma? Or perhaps it was damaged over the years when you moved from one place to another. Not a problem. We can help. We are delighted to be able to offer replacement diplomas. They reflect the current attractive style of our diploma.
It does require a wait as we need to verify your student information (Remember over seventy years of classes attended Rittners and we have to find you!) and your diploma is custom made for you.
There is a moderate charge for this service.
If you want to order a replacement diploma click on the link below:
Click here to get a Diploma Request Form. You can download this form, fill it out and sent it in to us to get your replacement diploma.