

The Rittners Floral School Commitment To Excellence


A mission statement is a set of organizing principles by which a business operates. At Rittners School of Floral Design, we are proud of our mission statement, which has guided many generations of Rittners for over sixty years......and has committed us to a very high standard of excellence!!!

We'd like to share it with you.................

Rittners Floral School Philosophy

OUR main goal is to provide quality courses in the art of floral that will meet our students' vocational goals....

Just as importantly....We want our students to really enjoy coming to school!! We believe in teaching floral designing so that it is fun, pleasant and non stressful!

WE believe that a floral art course should enourage the imagination, challenge the individual, and develop each person's creative potential. The skills learned at Rittners should enrich our students' lives.......

AT Rittners we have a passion for excellence, both in our teaching and in developing our students' abilities. Our staff's enthusiasm and commitment are essential for our students' satisfaction and enjoyment.....We believe that education should be demanding, yet enjoyable, exciting, yet disciplined..........

WE believe in providing educationally sound courses, firmly based upon sound learning principles, not on staff's egos.............

WE believe that our school must be constantly evolving, innovating and improving to meet our students' needs.

It's our goal to be on the cutting edge of both floral art trends and contemporary educational technique..............

WE believe that to be effective, a floral design school must always be focused on its primary teach.............That it is teaching floral designing that is its major business..not as an extra, not as a side line...That a school should focus first on education and not on retail sales or other possible areas of conflict of interest.

WE believe that our students' success is our success and work hard to develop and provide back-up services for our graduates..............

WE believe that integrity, honesty and strong professional ethics are integral to providing our students with the value that they deserve..............

AT Rittners our philosophy has always been and remains constant..................

Provide the kind of courses that one would recommend to family and friends..........
