Yes, it's happened!
Sugar Ray, met his significant other.
This was JeanTunney, a brindle boxer with class, style, and panache!! As you can see, she was quite the elegant lass.
Verily, since Sugar Ray was a fine boxer of great fame, it must be a match made in heaven!
Because you have visited our web site, we want you to be among the lucky ones to view their very first moments together!
That First Hello...!
Captured here, that wonderful first gaze into each others' eyes....
And Now, the Moment of Truth...
Jean, tell us what you think of your handsome beau!
Oh Well!
Sugar, perhaps it would have been a good idea to send her some flowers?
At any rate, JeanTunney was our last mascot, before Dempsey and DavidEdward.
She was a sweet dog, and loved by one and all.