More Benefits You Get
From Attending
The Rittners School Of Floral Design

There are a number of benefits you get from attending Rittners School of Floral Design
You will benefit because at Rittners Floral School our 12 Week Evening Program and Concentrated Day Courses
provide more
than "just the basics." They
start simply, but include advanced floral art technique....This makes them quite practical as well as enjoyable.......
Our goal in these programs is to give you a complete package, not to make you keep coming back over and over again for more design courses.
You will benefit from a staff that includes people who know how to teach.
At Rittners Floral School our staff does not consist of just floral designers "learning to teach." One of your instructors has a doctorate in teaching. The benefit to you is with clear and well presented
teaching, learning floral art will be so much easier and much more fun!!!
You will benefit from the fact that the owner of the school is actively involved in the everyday
teaching. At Rittners we want to know you, and have an interest in your professional growth and development. That means
that "the boss" is very much hands on. That assures you of the quality that you deserve.
You will benefit because at Rittners Floral School our programs are paced comfortably.
Our courses are deliberately designed so that you will not be overloaded, stressed out, or ever feel like you are being drilled in boot camp.
The idea is to cover a lot, but also to present it and pace it so that you will be able to enjoy yourself!!! This is only possible because
the folks who developed the courses are professional educators as well as floral designers. Knowledge of teaching, and how
much folks can absorb comfortably is critical to your enjoyment. We have that knowledge and we are committed to making
your experience pleasant and fun!!!
You will benefit because at Rittners Floral School you will take home every floral design that you
make. Not just a few flowers at the end of the session. We feel that your time is better spent making floral
art......not recycling materials. Besides which, they are your be admired by your family and friends.
We believe that you are entitled to value, and taking home every design is one way to give you that value.
You benefit because at Rittners Floral School teaching floral design is our primary means
of support. The benefit to you is that our program is not done in-between filling holiday orders
or as a hobby. Your staff gives you the attention that you deserve, rather than worrying about filling an order
for the "Smiths." When we are not teaching, we are preparing classes and doing the support services that our students deserve,
not worrying about selling vase arrangements for someones dinner party. Besides which, we don't feel that it's right to compete
with our students and graduates for retail trade.
You benefit learning in a well established real school of floral design.
Rittners Floral School is a multigenerational school, making our school one of the longest running programs of
its kind in the United States. Around long enough to really know what we're doing. Contemporary and cutting edge in our approaches to both teaching and floral art. When you need to accomplish something, you go to a specialist. You benefit
because we specialize only in teaching floral art. Our experience and enthusiasm are vital for your enjoyment.
You benefit from a facility designed for floral design instruction. Not a spare room somewhere.
We feel that in the 21st Century work benches and pretty displays of flowers alone are not enough.
Our school includes the necessary infrastructure, state-of-the-art audiovisual resources that work in the background to support our teaching. We are constantly improving our facility and resources.
Our specialized library of over 4800 floral art books, floral industry resource file of over 1000 subjects,
digital and many other resources support our teaching to make your learning even more effective and pleasant.
You benefit from our location in one of the nicest areas of Boston Students love our location in one of the snobbiest parts of town!! We are easy to reach by bus, rail and T.
And there is parking available both on street and in nearby garages. The benefit to you is that you don't have
to worry about attending a school that is hard to find, or that is in an "office building," "industrial area," or far away from all of the conveniences.
At Rittners you enjoy
all of the benefits of a city location while being assured that your school is in one of the nicest parts of town.
And our out-of-town students love Boston for it is a cultural and historic center with lots of things to see and to do.
You benefit from strong support systems at Rittners.
Graduates of our courses enjoy a wide range of support systems from our telephone hotline,
to our placement office, to discounts offered to Rittner Grads. Our graduates are not just customers...........
They are our friends..........
In any field, there is an easy way to learn and a hard way.
At Rittners we remain committed to providing you with the easy way to learn floral
designing.......Our programs are professional in both their setup and presentation....and designed to give you more content and better value!!!
"If You Really Want To Learn Floral Design,
Go To Rittners Floral School..."