

Floral Demonstration Videos By The Rittners Floral School To View---Free!


Ways To Express Romance With Flowers

Welcome to the Rittners School of Floral Design in Boston, Massachusetts.

Flowers= Romance... And at Rittners Floral School, in Boston, we definitely enjoy teaching our students various ways that you can translate romantic feelings into floral art....

Many people think that the way to express romance with flowers is the classical arrangement of roses in water. There is nothing wrong with that. It is but one time honored approach. And for many it works well.

But the contemporary floral designer can do so much more.

There are many wonderful ways to express romance and love through floral art.

This inspirational video features ten floral designs ranging from classical expressions, to contemporary and even novelty floral art--all with the purpose of expressing romance with florals...

We hope that it inspires you to think of many different ways that you can express love and romance with flowers.

Enjoy! And from all of us at Rittners Floral School, good luck in your romantic expressions using floral art.....

We hope that you enjoy this addition to the Rittners Floral School Video Series.

(And, hey, if you enjoyed and learned something in this brief demonstration think of how much more you would enjoy and learn by taking one of our great hands-on workshop courses!)

Registration Now Ongoing At Rittners Floral School for A Variety of Upcoming Workshop Courses.....



Questions? Call 617-267-3824

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