

Floral Demonstration Videos By The Rittners Floral School To View---Free!


Fun With Peonies In Flower Arranging

Peonies are a wonderful flower. They are large, showy and colorful. They can bring a great presence to your floral art.

At Rittners Floral School in Boston we show a number of ways you can use them in your floral designing. Peonies in this video are from Alaska from Alaska Perfect Peony.

Added bonus. We have a free album available on our Rittners Floral School Facebook Page with approximately 150 photos of arrangements using peonies including some of the designing in this video.

Quick, Easy and Fun--- The Rittners Floral School Way!

(And, hey, if you enjoyed and learned something in this brief demonstration think of how much more you would enjoy and learn by taking one of our great hands-on workshop courses!)

Registration Now Ongoing At Rittners Floral School for A Variety of Upcoming Workshop Courses.....



Questions? Call 617-267-3824

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