Floral Demonstration Videos By The Rittners Floral School To View---Free!
Easter Bunny Container Floral Designs!!!
Welcome to the Rittners School of Floral Design in Boston, Massachusetts.
At Rittners Floral School, in Boston, we enjoy teaching a wide variety of styles of floral art, ranging from classical to contemporary and even cutting edge.
In this video the subject is Easter. We take two containers with a bunny motif and create fun Easter designs in them!
While this is fun and funky to watch, do keep in mind that in our live classes there is more back and forth interaction between staff and students. In our classes we also discuss construction techniques in greater depth. Our live lessons also contain more continuity as we gradually present design concepts that start simply yet get more complex, as our students gain greater knowledge from class to class...
In other words, please enjoy this presentation, but expect more detailed instruction in the teaching that we do in our various workshop courses.
Sit back and enjoy!
(And take one of our great hands-on workshop courses!)
Registration Now Ongoing At Rittners Floral School for A Variety of Courses.
Questions? Call 617-267-3824
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