

Floral Demonstration Videos By The Rittners Floral School To View---Free!


The Amazing Flowers of June

At Rittners Floral School, we enjoy the cycle of the year. Each month, each season, brings with it all kinds of new botanical possibilities. In this video we explore the Amazing Flowers of June..... Eight floral designs for your inspiration, incorporating such botanicals as Eremurus, Viburnum, Physocarpus, and Willow along with such favorites as roses and hyrdrangea...

At Rittners Floral School we believe that anyone can create floral designing. We love to teach how floral art can be quick, easy and fun ! We hope that you enjoy this video! And from all of us at Rittners Floral School, have fun incorporating these ideas into your own floral designing!

(And, hey, if you enjoyed and learned something in this brief demonstration think of how much more you would enjoy and learn by taking one of our great hands-on workshop courses!)

Registration Now Ongoing At Rittners Floral School for A Variety of Upcoming Workshop Courses.....



Questions? Call 617-267-3824

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