

Rittners School Of Floral Design
In Boston Presents....

Revere Bowl Monochrome

Isn't this a pretty floral design?

It is a good example of what many people are calling the monochrome look in floral art. That is to say that many floral designers are stylizing arrangements containing tints, tones and shades of a single color. It is a very hot look. It is a very popular look.

(If you are a color purist, you could argue that the choice of flowers in this design feels more like an analogous color harmony with colors adjacent to each color on the color wheel, gradually blending one into the other. I tend to feel that technically that may be more appropriate description to what is going on here, but, hey, if folks want to consider this as part of that monochrome look, we won't make a big thing out of it, as long as they like it and want it!--OK?)

The nice thing about this look is that it is very abundant, very rich looking and people love it. And well they should! It required an entire sheet (25 stems) of roses, and provides a visual treat for the eyes.

Best of all, it is an easy design to make, and one that is sure to impress your family and friends.

What You Will Need

  • Revere Bowl
  • Foam
  • Lots of Roses

    We start with the Revere bowl. This can be an authentic one or one of the very nice plastic utility dish imitations. The Revere Bowl you should realize is named after a local boy who did well (Paul Revere). (Hey, we're a Boston based school, so naturally I am going to plug the locals!)

    Place your foam into the base.

    Place your roses. Start at the center of the design and then gradually make circles, working your way from the middle of the design to the outer edges of the unit.

    No foliage placement is necessary. Your flowers themselves cover the mechanics quite nicely.

    The key to the success of this design is in the fact that we are using lots of roses. They are large, open, showy and smell great! I call it a return to natural beauty and elegance.

    Keep in mind that we could play with other colors to achieve our goal. Picture if you will roses that are all in the pink through red group of colors.

    This is a great all purpose design. The use of roses marks it as a design of elegance and prestige.

    It can be viewed on all sides making it perfect for a table centerpiece.

    It would work quite well for a special birthday, baby's shower, or office gift.

    It is also quite appropriate as a Mothers' Day Gift.

    I especially like to suggest this one as a very classy approach for table centerpieces at a wedding reception or other party.

    We hope that you really enjoyed this brief floral design lesson. At Rittners Floral School in Boston we provide floral design instruction that includes a wide range of different styles and techniques. Folks attend Rittners Floral School, because not only are we very, very fine floral designers, but also because we are outstanding teachers!! Please come and take one of our hands-on workshop programs!!

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