

Rittners School Of Floral Design
In Boston Presents....


Happy Halloween!!



At Rittners Floral School we teach that the floral artist's role is to help meet peoples needs through various floral products and services.

This design is sure to add to the festive atmosphere of any Halloween party!

It features an interesting mixture of ingredients.

The macabre skull, of course, is definitely for Halloween, (obviously not for your everyday dinner party!)

Then there is the floral content. We have deliberately picked some equisetum that is starting to yellow and age, for height, and mixed it with calla lilies and glads.

Calla lilies have had all kinds of connotations through the ages. They have symbolized purity and virginity, weddings and even death! It is in the later context that we are introducing it into a Halloween arrangement.

Glads are often associated with sympathy use as well, even though they can be used quite effectively in wedding floral art and for cutting edge vase arrangements.

Aesthetically the combination of callas, glads and equisetum works quite well together. the overall impression is of a sleek vase arrangement with contemporary style and flair.

The arrangement is stylized in the natural/garden parallel structure style. Notice that there are two lines parallel with each other on either side of the skull.

This one is easy to make and fun to use. This design will definitely put you a-head of the game.

Happy Halloween!



What You Will Need

  • Tray
  • Foam
  • Sheet moss
  • Skull (made of plastic of course!)
  • Equisetum
  • Calla lilies
  • Gladiola

    Start by preparing the base. Place foam in two sections on a platter.

    Take a bundle of equisetum and place it into the left side of the design as shown below.

    Lightly moss the top of the foam. We want enough moss to help cover the mechanics, but not so much as to make stem insertions difficult.


    Place a nice gentle steplike line of calla lilies on the left side of the arrangement.

    The callas blend in well with the equisetum.

    Our quiet friend holds court in the center of the arrangement.

    Lets add another section to the right side of the arrangement, first adding a column of equisetum and then following it with two more calla lilies.

    This forms the two component parts of our parallel floral design. By definition parallel design style consists of two or more parallel structures. You can definitely see that taking place here.

    The design is interesting but rather stark.

    To add a touch of color let's play a bit with some of our glads.

    A few florets really make quite an impact.

    Because this is a parallel structure we would like to unify both sides of the design.

    A few additional glad florets create counterbalance to the right side and unify both parts of the arrangement quite nicely.

    Sometimes it's the little details that count! But please don't light. Those things can be harmful to your health!

    This design is quick, easy and fun to make.

    It would work well to enhance any Halloween get together!

    We hope that you really enjoyed this brief floral design lesson. At Rittners Floral School in Boston we provide floral design instruction that includes a wide range of different styles and techniques. Folks attend Rittners Floral School, because we are great floral designers, and just as importantly because we are outstanding teachers!! So COME...TAKE A COURSE AT RITTNERS FLORAL SCHOOL. And send your family and friends to take a course with us too!

    Your Webmaster is Dr. Steve Rittner, who may be reached at All photographs and text on this page are Copyright - Rittners School, and may not be reproduced, or used for any commercial purposes.


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